Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December 18th, 2010, the magical day

Yilin did many of her first move much earlier than normal children. She started rolling on fourth month, crawling on 7, walking on 11 and running on 13. Probably because she consumes more energy than most children do, she gets hungry quicker than average. Therefore it's tough for her to sleep through night.

Many infants start sleeping through night at six month, most do before nine month. Yilin had her first full night sleep on December 18th 2010, her 15th month. Which means, I finally got my full night sleep in last 15 months. The cool part is, December 18th is a clean cut. Before December 18th, Yilin had never slept through night, not for a single time. Since the, she sleeps through night for every night so far. December 18th 2010 is a magical day for Yilin.

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